Rudy Rudolph w/wreath berry on nose 

Votes: 115


Votes:  9 

Mitchum with his Boys, Spencer (10) and AJ (4)  Votes:  70


Votes:  6 

Loki and Lilo

Votes:  5

4th Prize, smart watch

1st Prize, electronic bundle

Doors are open to the public ** 154 Satterlee St, **Fond du Lac, WI ** 54935 

Critter Junction Pet Rescue

Voting is easy: just click on one of the picture below, and it will take you right to a PayPal link to donate $1 for each vote for the picture you click on. 

Add an item for each additional vote.  Don't want to use PayPal, just contact us at the rescue, 920-933-5111

2nd Prize, tablet

Mocha at Fido Dog Park  

Votes:  165

Pet photo entries are $10 per pet photo entered.

Original photos only; stock and/or copyright photos will not be accepted.  

Click on the PayPal link to pay for one or multiple photos/entries.

We will email you to let you know we received it.  

Don't forget to email your photo(s) to

Include the pet name, your name, address, and phone number; so we can contact you if you win.

Photos will be posted and votes tallied on the page here, in the order received.

Each photo will be a unique clickable link to PayPal.

Ask your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to vote, $1 per vote and people can vote multiple times; one vote for every dollar donated.

The sooner you enter, the more time you have for people to vote.

The top photos that receives the most votes will win; 5 winners total. 

Contest closes and winners to be announced at 10 p.m. Dec 23rd - just in time for Christmas.

5th Prize, air2 ear buds

Captain Jack  

Votes:  4

Contest Entry Link:

3rd Prize, sports cam